Finding a Electric Pop Up Camper Lift can be hard work within its self, but sometimes it is a must. Hand cranking your pop up camper can be extremely hard and tiring work. It can take upward to an hour and a half to get your pop up camper fully erect and if the weather is bad even longer. An Electric Pop Up Camper can be a little pricy but worth every penny. The time and effort it will save you is priceless. One of the cheapest and easiest solutions for a Electric Pop Up Camper Lift is a heavy duty electric drill and the socket genie.
For your Electric Pop Up Camper Lift, you will want to purchase a heavy duty drill. You will want a drill that has at least a minimum of 400 inch pounds of torque. It is also a good idea to get a side attachment for the drill. When dealing with such a heavy duty drill, it is very easy to injury or sprain your wrist. A side attachment will take a lot of the pressure off of your wrist. A drill of this caliber can cost anywhere from $300.00 to about $600.00, depending on the quality and brand of drill you decide to purchase.
The next thing you will need to purchase for your Electric Pop Up Camper Lift is the socket genie. This adaptor will take the place of the hand crank on the pop up camper. There are two different varieties of the socket genie available. The socket genie can be purchased for about $30.00 to $40.00.
Once the drill and the socket genie have been purchased it is time to pop up the camper. The socket genie is put on the drill like any other bit and then is inserted into the lift mechanism on the pop up camper. Once again be careful, it is very easy to hurt yourself when using such a heavy duty piece of machinery. Once it is inserted slowly lift the top on the camper. Be sure not to over extend the top, you do not want to cause damage to the camper. When it is time to take the pop up camper down the same idea is used. If your camper uses the same sockets for the stabilizer jacks, the socket genie can also be used for those too.
Using your pop up camper can be a lot of fun, but popping it up by hand is never fun. It is time consuming and a lot of hard work. It just might be time to turn in the hand lift for an Electric Pop Up Camper Lift.The socket genie is the perfect solution for an Electric Pop Up Camper Lift. It will save you money compared to buying an actual Electric Pop Up Camper Lift and you will be able to use the drill for many other things.
Do you love the great outdoors and camping, but hate sleeping on the ground and being exposed to the elements in a tent? Maybe it’s time to move up in the camping world, and purchase a pop up camper. If you have been considering purchasing a pop up camper, you have come to the right place. We have a large selection of both new and used pop up campers for sale. Whatever your budget you are sure to find the pop up camper of your dreams right here.
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